10 Tips for Business and Education Professionals

Email inboxBy John Gardner

Social Media postĀ 

“I’m fairly certain that you’re the only high school band director in this part of the state that actually responds to e-mails from the public.”


Thanks. I try to respond to most emails quickly. Comes from decadesĀ in the BUSINESS world. No matter what business you are in, including the business of education, answering email is basic courtesy-101.

From a business perspective

As a business owner, I am generally responding to a variety of email

VENDORS. (Educational equivalent = Administrators). You NEED vendors and their cooperation and quick responses can ensure that you continue to get the products, services and support needed. A vendor can cut you off (fire you) and force you to look elsewhere for an opportunity to generate income.

CUSTOMERS. (Educational equivalent = Students/Parents). You NEED customers to survive in business. An unhappy customer takes his/her business elsewhere. A disgruntled student gossips or quits band. A Parent withdraws support, pulls the child out of the program or contacts an administrator to complain.

BUSINESS OWNERS. (Educational equivalent = Band Directors). Sometimes businesses who compete can also collaborate. For example, in the fundraising business, I will respond to a request from a competitor who needs some brochures that the vendor is temporarily out of, but I have on hand. And then, when one of my vendors is backordered on a product, I will ask a competitor if I can purchase some of their stock. A Band Director should always respond quickly to another Band Director.


ASSUME NOTHING. Don’t assume the sender will patiently wait for a response. They will be getting angry. If you are not clear on the question or comment, ask for clarification (that also gives you more time to contemplate a response).

Never email in anger. If someone sends something that irritates you, let it sit for a while (maybe a day). At least write and SAVE DRAFT for editing prior to sending. If it is not an over the top confrontation, consider confirming receipt and write that you will respond later.

Carefully select your recipients AND ATTACHMENTS. Sending documents and pictures to unintended recipients can be embarrassing, harmful or even illegal.

If you have a choice between saying less or saying more, SAY LESS. I have a lawyer friend who always amazes me with how few words he can put in writing. If they ask for more detail or clarification, at least you know they read your note.

If you don’t know the answer, at least respond to acknowledge receipt. If you say you’re going to follow up, FOLLOW UP and/or send updates.

KEEP actionable emails where you can see them. Once done, delete or MOVE to a file. If you keep everything in your inbox, you will lose it.

Regularly empty your SPAM folder contents so that, should you need to look for an incoming email that may have gone there, you don’t have to look through all the tricky spammers who find ways to get their stuff at the top of the list.

Be careful with sarcasm or joking via email. The recipient doesn’t have your tone of voice to hear or your facial expression to help with their interpretation. If you are kidding, use something like: lol, haha or jk.

BE CAREFUL what you write. It is out there forever.

If you have a verbal agreement with someone, CONFIRM IT IN AN EMAIL so that you have proof. It also gives the other person a chance to correct or adjust a misunderstanding before it becomes a major issue.

Thanks for reading.
John Gardner

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