John Gardner

19 yrs experience as a high school band director. 14 yrs as college adjunct faculty. 30+ yrs in the fundraising industry and 24 yrs as a small business owner. (Don't add all those up.). Experience in both the fundraising sales and education worlds give me a unique combination of perspectives in both. I love working with the youthful enthusiasm of today's teenage achievers and with those who work with them. Also 6yrs as proprietor of, which offers a wide variety of virtual services including web/blog design/hosting/managing, social media management (scheduling posts/tweets for maximum impact and brand enhancement) and small business consulting - specializing in school product fundraising.

Eden Golan Hurricane and October Rain

I have never followed Eurovision or Israel singer, Eden Golan. The reason it popped on my radar this year was because Eden Golan’s song, “Hurricane” faced opposition and succeeded while representing herself and her country admirably.






They forced her to change some of the words, and even the title. She renamed “October Rain” to “Hurricane”. Here is her performance at Eurovision. Through all the protests and jeers, when she performed, she captured the world.

They forced her to change some of the words, and even the title. She renamed “October Rain” to “Hurricane”. Here is the first-ever public performance of October Rain… See the comparison of the words below.

She had to deal with protesters (over 20,000 outside her hotel room) jeering and even childish acts from other contestants during a press conference for the finalists. The person next to her has head covered … and at the other end of the table is someone pretending to be bored.

In the press conference, you can see the head covered contestant next to her as she is asked,

Have you ever thought that by being here, you bring risk and danger for other participants and public?

She responded with class and grace.

Not only are there judges at the event, but participating countries can vote. Note that these countries had contestants participating, and they still supported Israel.

Israel had the #2 highest votes from around the world … and ended up 5th place overall.

After a heroine’s reception in her return to Israel, Eden sang the original song, “October Rain” before a huge crowd at Tel Aviv’s Hostage Square.

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National Band Directors Day

I learned late today that May 20th is National Band Director’s Day. I’ve had several directors who have impacted me different ways.

ROBERT CROWDER took over some of the elementary school bands when my initial teacher (more, in a moment) worked out to stay at the high school. Mr. Crowder was the first black teacher I had any extended contact with. He was so nice and soft spoken. He taught me at 10th District in grades 6-7. I was in 8th grade, at the huge, inner-city @2500 student Jr/Sr high when MLK was killed. Racial tensions were sky high for a while, including daily walk-outs 10 minutes before school end by hundreds of black students. I didn’t experience it directly, but apparently Mr. Crowder did a lot to help restore a calmer atmosphere in the school.

SAMUEL SANDERS was my Jr High director in 8th grade. I was 1st chair, but always goofing off in rehearsal. He pulled me aside one day and said something like, “You’ve got a lot of potential, but you’re going to throw it all away if you’re not careful.” That impacted me and I changed.

JAMES COPENHAVER taught me in his and my first years. I was in 5th grade and he just got the job. He didn’t like the way I held my horn. He sat down next to me, quietly explained hand position while patting me on the top of my head with his college ring turned around. I have great hand position still. Freshman year, he pulled me aside to say, “I understand you want to be a band director. That means you will have to go to college and I know your family can’t send you. You have four years to work on that clarinet, so that, by the time you graduate, you’ll be good enough that schools will pay for you to come.” He was right. I have so many stories about him. To say he was a strict taskmaster might be an understatement, but he did so many things to help me along. He got me scholarships to summer camps and connected me to the best clarinet teacher (below) in the area. He left after my sophomore year. He taught me to always strive, not only for excellence but for the top spot. I tried to pay him forward when I taught. It was hard because his tactics would be problematic today….but I get enough notes and feedback from students and parents that I know I impacted some lives.

RICHARD FOUST moved up from the Asst position for my last two years of high school. He was a great jazz musician. Overall, he kept the band strong through my graduation.

ROBERT RODEN was my clarinet teacher throughout high school. He was also a band director. He had the first chair clarinetists from two other area high schools in his studio. (Senior year he gave the three of us the same solo for festival). Mr. Copenhaver convinced him to give me an ‘audition’. After listening from his living room lounge chair, he offered me lessons with a condition. “You’re pretty good. I can help you get better, but you can’t afford me. I have a bad heart and am not supposed to do much hard work, so if you will mow my lawn, shovel my snow and do whatever else I need around the house, I will give you lessons UNTIL the day you show up here unprepared.” I have tried to pass that forward, but it is hard to find that level of commitment in the lives of super-busy teens. Mr. Roden died in the Beverly Hills Supper Club fire in 1976. There were @160 deaths. My dad was off duty, but at the fire helping fire fighters.

WM HARRY CLARKE was my college band director. The day I walked into the Fine Arts building for a visit, there was a music major at the door waiting for me, calling me by name and escorting me to meet Mr. Clarke. I learned a lot about conducting and rehearsal technique from him. One skill I never mastered was his ability to always remember names. We had a huge band and he knew everyone by name. That is powerful.

PHILLIP MILLER was my college orchestra director and clarinet professor. He was a good teacher, not such a good human. Other than telling me he had wasted four years of his life on me (when he found out I was an education vs performance major), the most memorable takeaway for me was that, just before I would walk on stage for a solo performance, his words to me were, “Make them stand up.”

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A Lawyer Who Sues Terrorists

I had no idea. Fascinating interview with Nitsana Darshan-Leitner of the Israeli Law Center who recovers hundreds of millions in lawsuits against countries and organizations funding and supporting terrorism. She has won against Syria, Iran, North Korea…. I hope she has an army of security. Currently in lawsuits against Google and Harvard. The MOST shocking (to me) was how we (USA) fund a group that was directly involved in the Oct 7 slaughter in Israel. “Lawfare” as a part of Warfare.
She also goes into the history of refugee camps in several muslim countries that were formed when those countries promised those living in areas to become Israel were going to be attacked by the Arab League….. temporarily…..and they are still there and not allowed to leave.

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5 Steps to Cleaning Technical Passages for Instrumentalists

By John Gardner

Solo and Ensemble no frame

“If the notes are on the paper, it is your job to play ALL of them.” -John Gardner

Too often, when I have heard high school (and college) students perform a piece, there are then inevitable technical passages. Rarely do I hear long technical passages played cleanly and correctly. The word ‘slop’ comes to mind. The reason the performance contains slop is because the practice contained slop.

Here’s how a typical high schooler practices:
     Start at the beginning
     Play to the technical passage
     Go back to the beginning and start over.
     Repeat the above steps.

Cleaning technical passages

  • Stop repeating what you CAN play and concentrate on what you can’t. I suggest circling those 3-5 most problematic spots in a solo. Then, when you start to play the piece, instead of starting at the beginning, start with the problem passages. Play them first — and last, twice as often as the rest of the piece. Don’t always start at the beginning just so you can sound good.
  • Always, ALWAYS stop and fix it.
  • Break longer passages into smaller pieces
    • Play the first 4 sixteenths plus the first note of the next beat.
    • Do that until you can play it PERFECTLY 3 times in a row.
    • Play the next set of 4 sixteenths plus one note. Get it perfect 3x.
    • Play beats one and two. Perfect.
    • Play beat 3.
    • Play beats 1-2-3.
    • etc.
  • Slow it down, get it right, and then speed it up GRADUALLY.  
    • Use a metronome (free apps available for iPod, iPad.
    • Start with a tempo at which you can play it perfectly.
    • Increase the speed on the metronome no more than 5 beats per minute.
    • Don’t increase until you are consistently clean and correct.
  • Change the rhythm. What you are doing is practicing small groups of notes quickly without playing all of them quickly at the same time. By reversing and changing these rhythms, you are playing different groups of notes quickly.
    • Play 16ths as if you’re playing dotted eighth/sixteenth combination, exaggerating the quickness of the 16th.
    • REVERSE. Now play pairs of 16ths as sixteenth/dotted eighth. This is harder to do.
    • Then play them as three triplet sixteenths and an eighth note.
    • REVERSE to play eighth plus three triplet sixteenths.

Practice your performance, record yourself, critique your performance, mark your music and repeat the above cleaning steps.

A youth baseball quote I recall from years ago comes to mine;

“Be sure you catch the ball before you throw it.”
Musical translation:
“Play it right before you play it fast.”


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3 days in the U.S.S.R.

Russian Ruble from 1972

In the Fall of 1971, I received an invitation to participate in the United States Collegiate Wind Band, which would tour Europe and the USSR in the summer of 1972. Two from my school were invited. We both turned it down.

Word got to the local newspaper that I had been invited. A bank contributed half the amount and there was a drive to raise the other half. There was a picture of me in full Holmes MB uniform in the paper. Because I delivered newspapers, the headline was for a Newspaper Boy invited to travel to Europe and USSR.

It was a three-week tour. I flew out of the Cincinnati airport to New York, where I met the directors and staff. Professor Al G. Wright, Director of Bands at Purdue University, and his wife Gladys were the directors. The staff member responsible for woodwinds was Diana Hawkins, daughter of the Director of Bands at Morehead State University.

There were approximately 120 in the band, representing 26 states. Towards the beginning of the rehearsal process, we had auditions and I was appointed 1st Chair Clarinet.

Tour Stops


LONDON, England

PARIS, France


ZURICH and LUCERNE, Switzerland


Moscow, U.S.S.R.

1976 was in the “Detente” time between the US and USSR. We were a token of that effort.

It was a tense trip for us. Keep in mind that the Cuban missile crisis was only nine years old and the arms race was in full force (until the ’72 treaty).

We were to depart from a Swiss airport for the 4-hr flight to Moscow, arriving in the early evening. It wasn’t until we arrived at the Swiss airport that we learned the Soviets had decided we would fly in on one of their Aeroflot jets, which didn’t leave Moscow until they confirmed that we were waiting. That 4-hr wait plus the 4-hr flight ensured our arrival in the middle of the night, when no one would see us. Not an accident, I’m sure.

We did not pull up to the large, impressive airport terminal, stopping instead a fair distance from it. Our welcome included two busses, which pulled up alongside the planes, and two armed guards (rifles) standing at attention at the doors. We were instructed to deplane and get on the busses. “Your luggage will be taken to the hotel for you.” Not only did that prevent our entrance into the airport terminal for baggage claim, but it also gave them a few hours with our luggage.

The bus ride to the city was annoying and uncomfortable. Each time the manual transmission bus would get up to speed, the driver would shut off the engine and we would coast…. then as the speed decreased to a near stop, he would pop the clutch for a jerky engine restart and then repeat the cycle.

We were greeted warmly at the hotel and treated to some amazing food as they prepared us for our “orientation”, which also delayed our hotel check-in. Unlike our other stops, when we normally had at least half a day to ourselves and to explore the city we were visiting, the Soviet guides said we could not leave the hotel. The reason, “The Soviet people do not speak English and if you get lost, they won’t be able to help you get back.”

When we finally got our luggage, organized neatly and alphabetically for us, we discovered they had removed all the souvenir luggage stickers from the previously visited countries. There was no way to replace all that, and there was little doubt our luggage had been searched.

In most of the countries, we would get a “continental” breakfast (a roll and drink), were on our own for lunch, and then would get a good evening meal. In Moscow, we were fed multiple-course meals three times daily with some lasting two hours, leaving less time for sight-seeing. I tasted caviar for the first time there.

We never traveled by foot. As we bus toured the city, we kept seeing weird vending machines. Customers would take the community glass and put it over a nozzle for rinsing. Then they would dispense what looked like beer, stand there to drink it, then set the glass down for the next person standing in line. When we asked our guide we were told that “those are soft drink machines”. We concluded the machines were dispensing beer.

They took us to Moscow University, a huge, modern campus, and told us that college is free in the U.S.S.R.

We went to the pre-revolution section of “Old Moscow” to view poorly maintained buildings. “This is what Russia was like before the revolution“.

At a huge cathedral we heard, “Unlike what you hear in your country, there are 55 operating churches in Moscow“.

As we toured, we were constantly instructed when we could and could not take pictures.

Lenin’s Tomb was impressive and unique. The line to get in was very long. A married couple, still in wedding garb, was escorted to the front of the line. What an honor. Inside the tomb was extremely cold, dimly lit, and had a soldier every few feet. No talking. No cameras. And the main attraction……the actual body in a glass casket.

We were in Red Square, a huge area somewhat like a brick version of the National Mall in Washington DC, when we saw someone fleeing a group of soldiers. The soldiers released a dog. We’ve all seen videos of well-trained police dogs taking down and “holding” a criminal. Nope. Not this dog. We were too scared to take a picture. I did get one of some soldiers who were unhappy to have a picture taken by a teenager with a US Flag patch on his touristy shirt.

This was a music tour and we gave concerts before huge crowds everywhere we went. There was one town in Switzerland where they built us a stage in the town square and literally shut the town down so everyone could come. People wanted to hear us, meet us, talk to us, touch us, get autographs and pictures…. we were treated like famous guests everywhere, except in Moscow.

The Moscow concert was in an old building with a stage so small part of the ensemble had to set up on the floor and a pathetic audience of about 50. The explanation: “Everyone in Moscow has a job and you are giving a concert on a workday.”

Even the departure was eventful. In every country, we would exchange currency and try to end up with souvenirs. Our guides emphatically told us it was illegal to “smuggle” Soviet currency out of the country. I put a Ruble inside a chewing gum wrapper inside a reed box inside my clarinet case. Things got interesting as we were in the lobby of the airport preparing to board our Aeroflot plane when a group of people arrived and started physically searching us. I heard coins hitting the floor. That process took an uncomfortably long time…..enough that the plane was late for departure.

They wouldn’t allow us to leave until our director signed a document that we were late arriving.

Switzerland: Zurich and Lucerne

We spent nearly an entire week in Switzerland, a beautiful country with mountainous views. And the town of Lucerne went all out for us, building a stage in the town square and basically shutting down so everyone could come to the concert. They were friendly and appreciative. I bought my mother a small swiss cuckoo clock.

Paris, France

Paris was one of our final stops and I was running out of money. Our concert jackets were pretty fancy and we would be approached by “artists” who would draw or cut a caricature and then try to sell it to us. They expected us to purchase and I recall one angry artist pointing to my jacket when I tried to explain I didn’t have the money for his art.

London, England

I enjoyed the history a lot. I’ve always loved British pomp and pageantry.

3 days in the U.S.S.R. Read More »

Meeting the Sheriff in the School Office

I was arriving for an after-school meeting in a rural elementary school. Buses were pulling in and I decided to wait 5 minutes in my car for the bell. After the busses pulled away I entered and went to the office. As soon as I introduced myself I could tell something was wrong. The principal was standing behind the secretary with a troubled look. Just then I heard the sound of leather that you only hear if you are really close to a police officer wanting to quietly get your attention. The principal informed the sheriff I was ok.

Recognizing MY surprise, he explained that.

“When we see an out-of-county car sitting in our parking lot at dismissal time, we call the sheriff.”

Made sense.

Added this to both my “Stories Through My Ages” and “Selling In The Schoolhouse” books.

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Would you be worth this for a conversation?

online bankingIn 2021, I signed up for a subscription to The Daily Wire, for two reasons:

  1. Gina Carano had been fired from Disney, and hired by Daily Wire. The subscription was a way to support both TDW and Gina.
  2. Candace Owens was hired by The Daily Wire.

Gina did her one movie (delayed into a second year of subscription due to the COVID mess), Terror on the Prairie. It was a good movie, well done, in that it could be filmed away from most population.

Not too long after her debut, Candace Owens hosted a TV show. At the end of every show, she moved her chair to show the nearly all white audience behind her and would answer 3-4 submitted questions that she did not see ahead of time.

At the end of her fourth show, she answered MY submission:

How do you think she answered?

She and her British (love the accent) husband were married on a Trump property in Charlottesville, Virginia. She was a huge supporter, but when she came out staunchly opposed to his vaccine support, asking him about it directly in an interview, there was at least a partial falling out. I am unclear of the current status.

Her audience-included TV show transitioned to a single presenter, sometimes with guests or even a panel. Candace and her husband are both devout Christians, but had very different stances on Protestant vs Catholic theology. In April, 2024, she converted to the Catholic Church. She featured him on a double podcast debate I thought was fascinating. Here is Part 1…

She had amazingly informative deep dives about George Foreman, Big Farma / Vaccines, and Black Lives Matter.

Candace and Kanye

Trouble started brewing when she appeared with her friend, Kanye, and in one of his shows, they wore “White Lives Matter” shirts.

Kanye posted some interpreted antisemitic tweets and Candace defended him. That put her at odds with the owners at The Daily Wire, who are Jewish.

The clashes continued until they recently parted company. She has been posting that, “I am free” and soliciting subscriptions and gifts to support her.

In a Youtube video, in giving the history of her experience, said,

“I am NOT anti-Israel, but I am also NOT anti-Palestianian.”

On 5/10/24, she tweeted about a new app. It said you could talk to her via text or video and get immediate responses. I downloaded the app, only to find out her “rates” are way over my head. She certainly has the right to charge and make money this way, it just takes me out of the communication loop. These pics are from the new app, which I will shortly delete from my phone.

She moved to Nashville to be near The Daily Wire. She and her husband have bought land, built a house, and have welcomed their second child into the world.

She will do well, and as long as I can afford to read or watch, I will.

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PSA Check your canes

Reposted as a safety reminder. My ‘stand-up’ cane fell over. I didn’t think much about it. But then I looked closer. Talk about a fall risk. I have replaced it….and know, now, that I need to check more frequently than 2 yrs.

Vibe cane tip
Bottoms are almost completely smooth. Also, posts are not supposed to pull apart.
Compare old to new


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Who is ethnically cleansing?

For those who claim Israel is involved in ethnic cleansing …. or worse, consider these in comparison….. Jewish populations in 1948 and 2023. Here we go:

1948 156,000
2023 2,178,000

Jewish Population in Arab Countries – DECREASED 99.83%
Arab Population in Israel – INCREASED 1296.15%

1948 20,000
2023 100

1948 75,000
2023 40

1948 40,000
2023 0

1948 55,000
2023 50

1948 150,000
2023 7

This is reposted. Looking for the source. Let me know if you have that — or better / more updated stats.

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Emma Kok and Voila

Voila, the performance that got 50M views and kicked off her career at age 15.

Emma Kok,  a 16-year-old singer from the Netherlands, has a chronic health condition – gastroparesis (paralyzed stomach), receiving nutrition through a feeding tube making  this presentation even more emotionally powerful as she sings about her dream.

The original video got 50Mhits. This one (below) includes the English translation on screen.




btw …. get a box of tissues. Knowing her story and hearing her voice (and seeing audience and orchestra members reactions), well, as one reviewer said, “This broke me.”



Once you watch the video, you will have several options to hear others react. This reaction is from a professional opera singer:

In this video, she talks about being bullied because of her nutrition bag and because of her delayed growth.

She is currently on a World Tour with Andre Rieu and the Johann Strauss Orchestra.

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