Personal experience

Community Choirs of Huntington County Celebrating 30 Years


CCHC 1993
The Children’s Choir of Huntington County in their first Christmas Concert in 1993 at Huntington University and under the founding director, Dr. Rediger

In 1993 the Children’s Choirs of Huntington County were formed. Originally there were two choirs for younger and older children. Dr. Joann Rediger was the founding director and is on stage with the group in this picture at their first Christmas Concert in 1993. As high school and adult choirs have been added, the group name was changed to Community Choirs of Huntington County and currently includes the Children’s Choir, Copper Sound and Joyful Songsters. Follow them on their website at

Community Choirs of Huntington County Celebrating 30 Years Read More »

Joan Gardner receives Mary Sell Award

Mary Sell is a retired music teacher from the Huntington County Community School Corporation. She volunteered a lot of time for the Community Choirs of Huntington County and an award was created in her name. Joan Gardner received the award at the Spring 2023 concert.

Joan has been a choir parent, an accompanist, a volunteer and a board member for the CCHC. Her two sons, John and David, were in the Children’s Choirs during the very first season they were started – with Dr. Joann Rediger as the director. She was eventually asked to accompany one of the choirs for several years and is currently one of the CCHC Board Members.

This article is also posted on the Community Choirs Website.

Joan Gardner receives Mary Sell Award Read More »

Time for some Friend List Spring Cleaning

I can handle civil disagreement, especially when it is something I said. If you think I’m wrong, tell me. That’s what friends do. If you think I went too far, tell me. I can (and did – just a couple days ago) apologize and edit or delete something I said that caused unintended ill will. We can still be friends.
There are people I like, respect, admire (even love) … who have different views than I do in religion, politics, socially, even gender and sexual preference areas. I can still be your friend. Can you still be mine?
You can even be sarcastic in disagreeing with me, but know that I am a sarcasm master and not afraid to use it.
But there are some extremes that cross lines I cannot accept. If you want to be my friend, be careful with labels and name-calling, especially toward ME on MY page. And be careful liking (or even loving) hurtful, attacking name-calling comments.
I seldom look at my FB Friend List in years, but it has become necessary — so I’ve done some Spring Cleaning. Along the way I found:
* Deleted accounts still on my list.
* No communication in years (decades even).
* People I can’t remember at all. Probably my fault.
* Multiple accounts. One friend had 5 and I was friends with two of him.
* One of my brothers has two accounts…..double-friended.
* Hatefully anti-Christian…(I can handle friendly disagreement) and am friends with non-Christians…. I won’t attack you personally and I cannot allow you to attack my most core beliefs.
* Hatefully Political. NO politician (or political party) is as perfect as Jesus, evil as Hitler, right OR wrong 100% of the time.
Don’t worry. If you see this post, you’re still good in my book. And if you don’t see it (perhaps someone tells you), don’t ASSUME because FB doesn’t automatically show everything to everybody — even your friends.

Time for some Friend List Spring Cleaning Read More »

Domain decisions

Time for change arrow

Domain decisions.

When it is time to renew your domain name, you might want to research options to get a better price.

I’ve experienced enough that I can see a pattern.

One of my clients,, had a domain renewal coming due at and the price was going to be over $37. I contacted my current hosting provider and their price for every year, was under $17. So, I contacted the domain registrar and started the process to transfer the domain, which required gaining access to the client’s account. And THAT required updating some information and THAT required sending in utility bills, a photo id and more…. Okay, access gained. I started the process to unlock the domain and request an authorization code.

THEN….I get an offer to renew the domain for 1 year for $10. DONE!

Having learned that, when I got notice from that one of MY domains (, that cost me $38.xx last year was up for renewal, I started the process to transfer. Suddenly my price drops to under $16.

“Burn me once…..”

So I continued the process to unlock, get auth code and start transfer process to my $17/yr host. DONE!

While I was in the transfer mood, I went to the registrar for and went ahead and transferred it to my current host.

Conclusion / Recommendations:

  1. Service providers involved included: Tucows, Network Solutions, Hostcentric, Register, and iPage.
  2. The initial price is only for those who auto renew. The LOWER price is for those who might leave.
  3. If you have a domain up for renewal, instead of automatically renewing, call to START the process to transfer it to get the super-duper 1-year-only discount price. [Then be sure to do that again next year].If you don’t know how to do that, proceed to step #2.
  4. HIRE ME!

ps If you don’t know the underlined/italicized terms above;

domain registrar
transfer the domain
unlock the domain
authorization code


Down arrow decision change



Domain decisions Read More »

Just another band prank

We were returning home late at night from a long drive return from an out-of-state visit. In a tired way, I reach down in the dark to open the door. It took us a while to get a flashlight and determine what had happened. I love bandsters. They do fun things without damaging anything.

Just another band prank Read More »

I know exactly when and where I decided I wanted to be a band director

I know exactly when and where I decided I wanted to be a band director Read More »

My Philosophy of Education and why I interact with students the way I do

My Philosophy of Education and why I interact with students the way I do Read More »